PI Camera

Here is a step-by-step sequence on how to take a photo using the camera. Please note that to take a video, you need to download specific software from the internet to review your video. Remember the camera is fragile and not static-friendly (‘Earth yourself’ before touching the camera).

1, Go to the desktop

2. Click on the ‘LX’ (LX Terminal) symbol at the bottom left of your screen.

3. Type in sudo raspi-config

4. Choose “5. Enable camera”

5. Choose “Enable”

6. Scroll down and use the Tab key if necessary to choose ‘Finish’

7. Choose to Reboot and choose “Yes”

8. Place blue camera strip towards Ethernet portal and pull out camera portal and insert strip

9. The Pi will reboot and type in

Login: pi

Password: raspberry


10. Then go to ‘LX’

11. Type raspistill -o image.jpg

12. Press return

13. Photo will be taken

14. You now have returned to the desktop

15. Press “Start” bottom left corner

16. Select “Accessories” then “Image Viewer”

17. Press “Open file”

18. Choose “Pi”

19. Choose “Image.jpg”

20. You’ve got your photo!

Fancy making it your desktop wallpaper? It’s great fun!

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